Ever feel the need to just get up and go somewhere? While - alas - stuck in front of your office computer? Well the folks over at GOOD Magazine have solved your dilemma, mapping
historical and fictional journeys on a nifty interface with quotes, pictures, and neat little facts. The voyages chronicled include: Magellan's Circumnavigation, Phileas Fogg's 80 day race, Marco Polo's known route, and Charles Lindberg's flight over the Atlantic. It's a great time-killer...
Special thanks to Margaret Perry, whose Ten Thousand Places blog first brought this to my attention.
Wow, this site is great! I want to follow the silk road...
I was going to satiate my wanderlust this weekend by hiking the whole Grand Canyon but now you've aggravated my condition ten-fold. I won't be happy until I've done them all! -Emma
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