Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Feast of St. Boniface!

Today is the feast of St. Boniface (c. 680-754 or 755), born Wynfryth in the kingdom of Wessex.  Legend has it this Benedictine monk invented the Christmas tree, but his most important achievements are chronicled on the door of St. Boniface Abbey in Munich:

Sankt Bonifaz, der größte der angelsächsischen Missionare, 
war der Erneuerer der fränkischdeutschen Kirche.
Er wirkte in Hessen Thüringen, 
gründete Klöster 
und die Bistümer Regensburg, Salzburg, Eichstätt, 
Passau, Würzburg, Erfurt, Buraburg, Freising. 
Zur Wiederherstellung der Ordnung hielt er Konzilien ab. 
Als Apostel der Deutschen starb er den Märtyrertod.

Saint Boniface, the greatest of the Anglo-Saxon missionaries,
was the reformer of Frankish German Church.
He worked in Hessen [and] Thüringen,
founded monasteries
and the bishoprics of Regensburg, Salzburg, Eichstätt,
Passau, Würzburg, Erfurt, Buraburg [and] Freising.
To restore order, he held councils.
As an apostle of the Germans, he died a martyr's death.

Saint Boniface is buried in Fulda, alongside St. Sturm, one of his followers, who was the first Abbot of Fulda; you should visit them, if you're ever in the area.

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